Among all the environmental elements, temperature has biggest effect on the battery performance. The electrochemical reactionon electrode / electrolyte interface is connected with the temperature. The electrode / electrolyte interface is considered to the heartof the battery.
If the temperature gets lower, the reaction rate of the electrode also gets lower.
If the battery voltage keeps invariable, the discharge current becomes lower, and also the power output will reduce.
If the temperature goes up, the condition is reverse. That is, the battery’s power output will increase.
Temperature will also affect the speed of the transmission of the electrolyte.
If the temperature goes up, the speed of transmission will be faster.
If the temperature goes down, the speed of transmission will be slower.
Tests shows the temperature also affect the capacity of the same battery.
If the temperature goes up, the capacity will be higher.
If the temperature gets lower, the capacity will be decreased.
The battery performance will also be affected. But if the temperature become too high, the chemical balance inside the battery will be broken and side reaction will be caused.
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