Company News

  • New Website

    New Website

    Shenzhen Nova Energy Co.,Ltd. has updated our new website with new domain www.NovaEnergyPower.com, our email address is updated accordingly to service …

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  • Battery production machines has been upgraded

    Battery production machines has been upgraded

    In order to lift our battery production capability, improve the quality and reduce the labor cost, most our battery production machines has been upgraded, these machines including mixing, coating, pressing, splitting, cutting, winding, stacking, dehumidifier, injection, activating and grading

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  • Nova Solar Panel Factory is established

    Nova Solar Panel Factory is established

    After built the Nicke battery, Lipo battery, Li-ion battery and LiFePO4 battery since 2007, in order to meet customers higher requirement and expand our product lines, Nova established it’s solar panel factory

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  • Nova Dongguan factory is opened

    Nova Dongguan factory is opened

    Nova Dongguan factory is opened today, which expanded greatly our production capability and products category, the cells production capability of this plant is over 100,000pcs every day, battery packs production capability is over 60,000pcs per day

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  • Factory Sports Meeeting

    Factory Sports Meeeting

    Nova successfully held the annual factory sports meeting on the theme of “Make Us Stronger”, Designed 7 team sports respectively are basketball, football, badminton, tug-of-war, Pingpong, relay and rope skipping

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